Seneste opdatering: 8/9-24 kl. 1505
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Det er en avanceret historie om spioneri og stormagtskamp, vi kommer ind i her. Den tager udgangspunkt i de mange halvledervidenskabfolk og deres familier, der var ombord på MH 370 og i de to sidste videoer, der er taget af en brændende MH 370 af amerikanske militær over det indiske ocean. De er taget af hhv. en drone og en sattelit.

På X/Twitter skriver Ashton Forbes:

Det brænder omkring lastrummet, og det kan være halvlederne

We have Solved the Case of MH370

MH370 conclusively suffered a fire emergency event related to the 487lbs of dangerous lithium ion batteries onboard. This scenario is supported by two videos, 19 witnesses, the flightpath, technical data, and a mayday call.

The plane went dark at 17:21 UTC, the same time Mike McKay saw the plane on fire from an oil rig. Nine witnesses along the coast heard the loud noises. The pilot took manual control of the plane and turned back to Penang, the closest airport to land a B777.

It was recently determined that the radar data shows the plane doing an emergency descent as it turned back, consistent with the fire event, depressurization of the plane to provide the passengers enough oxygen to breathe since the Halon 1301 fire extinguishing devices suck oxygen from the plane.

Eight fishermen in a boat corroborate the descent seeing the plane flying low off the coast of Thailand/Malaysia 10 minutes after it goes dark around 17:30UTC.

At the same time another 777 pilot hears the communication from the pilots of MH370 indicating communications were not dead. Malaysian Minister of Defense proved they had communications by saying in his interview the military knew the plane wasn’t hostile, which is only possible with communication. That’s why they didn’t send up jets. They have withheld classified communications from the public.

We wondered why the plane didn’t land at Penang and now we have the answer. The power being out prevented them from dumping the fuel to reach the maximum landing weight. A blog post from Jeff Wise on 5/16/2016 mentions this as does Oleksandr in the comments.

The plane couldn’t land on the ground because it had too much fuel so the next option per the flight manual is to land in the water. The plane may have been directed to the coordinates in the MH370 video by the United States military. The crew may have attempted to turn back on the power to be able to dump the fuel prior to the water landing which could explain the SDU logon at 18:25UTC.

The MH370 videos show the true fate of the plane. We can see plane at low altitude attempting its emergency descent into the ocean which is corroborated by Kate Tee the witness in the location where we see the coordinates in the satellite video.

The landing attempt is corroborated by a third source, the China Times only reported mayday call at ‘2:43am,’ equivalent to 18:43UTC in Malaysian local time, roughly the same time Kate Tee saw the plane. The intercepted mayday stated that MH370 was disintegrating and attempting an emergency landing. The Chinese were trying to tell the world what happened.

The tiny amount of debris found is only consistent with this scenario. The plane could not have terminated in the South Indian Ocean and had the debris wash up in Africa. Some of the debris has clear, visible scorch marks on it. An empty B777 fire suppression bottle even washed up in the Maldives.

This story was covered up because the United States used secret advanced technology on the plane that they could not allow to be disclosed to the public.

We have real Warp Drive capabilities.

På denne korte video hører man sagen kort, og man ser lidt af de to sidste videoer taget af MH 370 af amerikanske militær. Der er nogle flere på hans You Tube kanal.

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Det Europæiske Galehus
Det Europæiske Galehus
4 months ago

Tak for at bringe endnu et godt program fra Redacted. Jeg må indrømme at det er voldsomme ting der kommer frem her. Jeg har ikke en kinamands chance for at finde hoved og hale i det her, men der er ingen tvivl om at det stikker noget under i den her sag. Så stort et fly kan ikke bare forsvinde og nu sættes der også spørgsmålstegn ved de få vragdele ø, der er fundet.

Tak for at videreformidle programmet her kære Steen.

Tag jer nu sammen
Tag jer nu sammen
3 months ago

“This story was covered up because the United States used secret advanced technology on the plane that they could not allow to be disclosed to the public.

We have real Warp Drive capabilities.”

Suk… Medier der lyver med vilje, og bloggere der viderebringer science fiction som nyheder. Der er sgu ikke noget at sige til at folk bliver dummere.

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