Seneste opdatering: 28/10-22 kl. 1313
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IfĂžlge Journal of The American Medical Association (JAMA) er den forventede livslĂŠngde faldet med tre Ă„r for amerikanske mĂŠnd og 2.3 Ă„r for kvinder fra 2019-2021.

A new analysis from US Mortality shows a massive spike in German deaths after the Covid vaccine rollout. It shows that shortly after the jabs were given, a “hockey stick” of excess deaths appeared shortly after.

In fact, there have been 21 times more deaths after Covid vaccination in Germany than with all other vaccines combined in the last 20 years. The cumulative total of UNEXPECTED deaths has skyrocketed since the mRNA vaccine distribution. So if you look at all the excess deaths for all ages and all states in Germany for 2021, the spike is unmistakable. And 2022 is shaping up to be even worse. Germany Sees HUGE Spike In Excess Deaths After ‘Vaccine’ Rollout.

EU og WHO fortsĂŠtter den hidtidige kurs ufortrĂždent

Nedlukninger, tvungne ansigtsmasker og vaccinepas, forsamlingsforbud, boostere hver 3. mĂ„ned og bekĂŠmpelse af ‘misinformation’

Jeg og andre har vĂŠret ramt af den tanke, at de hovedansvarlige for de mange dĂžde og invaliderede ville trĂŠkke fĂžlehornene lidt til sig i lyset af de flere og flere oplysninger, der trods mainstream-pressen trods alt kommer ud, men det bliver der ikke tale om. EU og andre globalister vil sejre eller dĂž med stĂžvlerne pĂ„. I november 2021  underskrev Kommissionen kontrakter for 477 mio. euro Covid-19 doser. [3.3 mia. DDK] – 10 doser for hver borger i EU.  Man mĂ„ formode, von der Leyen Ăžnsker dem anvendt pĂ„ endnu levende mennesker.

The European Union has set out its commitment to the continued use of lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine passports and other restrictions this winter to control the spread of COVID-19, and also to the creation of a “legally binding” global pandemic treaty with a “reinforced WHO at its centre”.

The document, published on September 2nd and titled “EU response to COVID-19: preparing for autumn and winter 2023“, was prepared by the EU Commission (the EU executive) and sent to the EU Parliament.

On lockdowns and other restrictions, it proposes a framework of “key indicators to assess when deciding on reintroducing non-pharmaceutical measures”. These indicators include severe disease and hospital occupancy data, and importantly are stated to relate not just to COVID-19 but to influenza as well, making this potentially part of normal winter disease management, continuing indefinitely. It suggests mask mandates as a “first option to limit community transmission”, giving a preference for FFP2 masks.

The document recommends the pre-emptive imposition of work-from-home and gathering limits before any rise in infections to try to avoid the “need for more disruptive ones such as lock downs, closing businesses and schools, stay-at-home recommendations and travel restrictions”. It stresses the need for “political commitment” to make lockdowns and other measures work.

The document discourages travel restrictions – freedom of travel and the elimination of internal borders being an article of faith for the EU. However, it recommends use of the EU Digital Covid Certificate (i.e., vaccine passport, though it also recognises natural immunity) wherever travel restrictions are “necessary”, boasting about how widely it is already used.

It suggests administering boosters as often as every three months, implying they are little use after six months. It also encourages governments to counter “misinformation” in the media and online to ensure “clear, consistent and evidence-based messaging demonstrating the continued safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines”. It links worries about vaccine safety with “anti-Western and anti-EU narratives” and with websites which also go off-narrative on the Ukraine war.EU Commits To Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, Mask Mandates.

Dokument fra EU Kommissionen til Parlamentet: EU response to COVID-19: preparing for autumn and winter 2023. EU parlamentsmedlemmet for AfS, Christine Andersson kommenterer kommiionens plan her.

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Stew Peters er lidt hÄrdt opspÊndt ligesom Alex Jones, men de har det til fÊlles, at de oftere har ret end uret. Og de har haft det lÊnge fÞr de fleste.

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1 year ago

Ursakta jag trykte mitnamnfel.

1 year ago

NÄr vi ved hvem Anthony Fauci er, skal vi ogsÄ kende til Jerome Powell.

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