Seneste opdatering: 14/9-23 kl. 1326
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Absolute chaos and mayhem will arise

Eva Vlaardingerbroek skriver

Did you know that 2 years ago the WEF posted a video ‘warning’ us about the possibility of a CYBER PANDEMIC? It is an absolute must watch if you want to get insight into their strategies and how this “cyber pandemic” could potentially be the great catalyzer for The Great Reset

As you can see in the video, they’re talking about a “cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics” that will deregulate our entire infrastructure – way more than covid has ever done.

Even more interesting, is that they state that this virus could only be stopped by globally shutting down the internet. Yes, you read that right. Imagine what will happen if we’re cut off from the internet. Everything imaginable will stop working: Traffic, transportation, the healthcare systems, food and water supplies, the list goes on and on and on. Absolute chaos and mayhem will arise. The financial system will most likely crash, people will start looting and within 24 hours (or when food starts running out), people will start bashing each other’s skulls in.

The solution they’ll propose? First, I imagine it to be some form of martial law to shut down the riots. Once order is restored out of chaosc they’ll then introduce measures to “prevent a disaster like that from ever happen again”. At this point, the majority of the population will probably gladly accept any restriction/measure out of pure desperation and fear. In fact, they’ll probably be begging for it. What could those be?

Think Central Bank Digital Currencies, Digitial ID, ID verification to regain access to the internet , facial recognition, it will all be made mandatory – for our “safety”, of course.

Of course, all of these things can and most likely will be implement even without the need for a cyber pandemic, if enough people comply. What do you think will happen? Will they go for something drastic like this? Or do you think they’ll hit us with another round of covid or a news virus of some sorts?

Alle WEF’s videoer er her. Man kan i virkeligheden nĂžjes med at se deres titler, for at forstĂ„, hvad en global fascistisk/kommunistisk revolution bestĂ„r af.


Globalismens plan er afslĂžret

Af dr. Paul Alexander

The PLAN revealed: They are Social Darwinists: they say we deserve their digi-tatorship because we, the unfittest, are stupid enough to let them, the fittest. Solutions?

WAKE UP TO THE FULL PLAN as if your life depended on it, literally! The best part of being a “conspiracy realist” is not being dead… or at least, not having clots, myocarditis, neuropathies, cancer, infertility, and other haccine intended effects. To be (a conspiracy realist) or not to be.

Lethal “medicine”:

lab designed bioweapons (like COVID and the ones blocked by the war in Ukraine), measures (lockdowns), treatments (ventilators), pharmaceuticals/vaccines/haccines, changed definition of brain death (deliberately separated from cardio-respiratory death) to murder and harvest “presumed organ donors”.

Longterm harmful microwaves:

satellite, 5/6/7G, cellphone attacks

Climate changing.

Droughts or floods through satellites, cell towers, ground stations and chemtrails. Solar geoengieering by releasing sun-blocking particles in the upper atmosphere with the false excuse of planet cooling, causing the opposite (less sun, less plant carbon capture), causing global famines by reducing agricultural productivity.

Food and water:

tainted GMOs. Injecting livestock and insects with contagious “vaccines” to indirectly vax all humans without them knowing. Graphening livestock to reach humans thorough meat, milk, eggs. FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarious, etc.

Longterm lethal substances:

pesticides, artificial sweeteners, additives, fluoridisation (together with other poisons like monosodium glutamate, reduces IQ as planned to turn us into sheeple, with a) addictive screens with subliminal images and ultrasonic audio, b) worse education, c) lack of humanities, and d) brainwashing: check StopCSE.org).

Nuclear irradiation:

swabs, haccines, food, places.

Choking digital censorship

Cost of living:

deliberate inflation generated by Government, financial system and forging currency, also by reducing the food supply, and destroying industrial output.

“Eco” measures:

net-zero decarbonisation, banning livestock products (meat, milk, leather) replaced by synthetics or insects, banning non-GMO non-“sterilized” agriculture, bannig fuels (even eco gas or “unsustainable” bio fuels because of biodiversity and food safety), banning combustion vehicles and industries replaced by carcinogenic electric vehicles where you ride on a 400V transmission line, plus trillions in solar+wind+batteries+Hydrogen

E-wallet with Cashless Central Bank Digital Currency tied to:

Diminishing carbon allocation quotas: personal, family (nb children) and collective, lower each month/year.

Conditional Universal Basic Income for the millions pushed into deliberate unemployment

Unconditional Universal Basic “Health” and health pass:

anything that could reduce the population and kill human beings like abortion, abortifacients, contraception, sterilization, amputation/external sex change (you can’t change each XX/XY chromosome), machine bio-connectivity, free euthanasia, tainted medicine and baby formula.

Internet of things and bodies:

the new Global Hack “safe” internet will ask for a compliant e-wallet, including green pass, global rights and carbon compliance. Omnipresent surveillance blocking access to transportation, hospitals, communications.

“Freely” accepting the global rights / creed:

Signing the global constitution (starting with the 2024 International Pandemic Treaty) including:

Wrongs called rights: global rights (decarb, decow), rights of non-human persons (animals, AI, sex robots), gender ideology (LGBT+), abortion, euthanasia, etc.

Persecution of all religions (excluding satanism and satanic creeds, which are not religions) and consolidation under the new “religion”.

From abortion and abortifacients (all, except barrier contraceptives), the genocidal trend didn’t change, only the target population. Same serial killers, different weapons.

Se det hele  The Plan Revealed

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Chrborgs politik er katastrofal og dĂždbringende
Chrborgs politik er katastrofal og dĂždbringende
1 year ago

Teksten burde oversĂŠttes til dansk hurtigst muligt,
for ellers vil den kun nÄ ud til en meget lille kreds
af danskere. Men da danskerne hverken har et
frihedsrÄd eller et folkeligt netvÊrk ud over de fÄ
der fĂžlger med hos Snaphanen og Hodja mv., bliver
det vel ikke til noget?

Det glimrende forslag om at trykke og uddele lĂžbe-
sedler kommer der vel heller ikke noget ud af?

Danskernes fremtid ligner en gyserfilm eller et flystyrt.

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