Seneste opdatering: 23/10-24 kl. 1131
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Ed Dowd er pÄ besÞg pÄ Bret Weinsteins Dark Horse podcast

 Det er to lynhurtige hjerner pÄ samme sted. I sagens natur en del statistik. Dowd nÊvner, at Covid-vaccinerne har drÊbt mellem 700.000 og 1.1 mio amerikanere, og gjort mellem 40 0g 60 mio uarbejdsdygtige, og hans tal er altid konservative.

Interessant er det ogsĂ„ at hĂžre om Dowds personlige erfaringer med medicinalindustrien. Han led af lettere angst og depression og ende med at vĂŠre pĂ„ psykofarmaka indtil han mĂždte en psykiater, hvis speciale det var at hjĂŠlpe folk af psykofarmaka. Det synes at vĂŠre tiltrĂŠngt i USA hvor 13.8% af befolkningen er pĂ„ antidepressiver – og hele 24.3 procent af kvinder over 60 Ă„r. (se nedenfor) Selv mener han, at SSRI’ erne hviler pĂ„ en ren myte skabt af medicinalindustrien, men en meget indbringende myte, ligesom den om statinerne.


(00:01:40) Former Blackrock Portfolio Manager Spots Trend of “Sudden Death” with COVID-19 Vaccines

(00:06:06) Correcting “Correlation Does Not Equal Causation”

(00:12:29) Quantifying COVID-19 Vaccine Harms: Excess Deaths, Disabilities, and Injuries

(00:15:16) Sponsor: American Hartford Gold

(00:17:00) Quantifying COVID-19 Vaccine Harms: Excess Deaths, Disabilities, and Injuries Continued

(00:27:47) Excess Deaths from COVID-19 Vaccines are Still Elevated

(00:42:28) COVID-19 Vaccine Disabilities Plateau

(00:50:14) COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries and Issues with the Placebo Group

(00:52:35) COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries: Powerful Evidence

(00:55:13) COVID Dissidents & Destroying a Control Group

(01:02:00) COVID-19 Vaccine Global Numbers

(01:04:00) COVID-19 Vaccine, IGG4 , and Immunity to Pathogenic Illness

(01:09:04) This is a National Security Concern

(01:11:00) The Good News with Boosters

(01:13:42) Long-term Economic Costs

(01:15:37) Insurance Executives are Waking Up

(01:19:00) Ed’s Story of Waking Up

(01:24:40) COVID-19 is Shattering World Views

(01:28:23) Closing

* During 2015–2018, 13.2% of Americans aged 18 and over reported taking antidepressant medication in the past 30 days. Antidepressant use was higher among women than men in every age group. Use increased with age, in both men and women. Almost one-quarter of women aged 60 and over (24.3%) took antidepressants. Antidepressant Use Among Adults: United States, 2015-2018

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