“These are official statistics,the actual numbers are said to be more than ten times higher.”
“Due to vaccine side effects, there have been around 2,700 deaths and about 19,000 severe cases.” “These are official statistics, but the actual numbers are said to be more than 10x higher!”
Cho Su-kyung revealed disturbing figures, stating, “Due to vaccine side effects, there have been around 2,700 deaths and about 1,800 19,000 severe cases.” She further warned, “These are official statistics, but the actual numbers are said to be more than ten times higher.” This staggering revelation points to a potential underreporting crisis, with the real impact possibly affecting tens of thousands of South Koreans.
Given that 96% of South Korea’s population of 51.7 million has been vaccinated, these official figures—if indeed far below the actual counts—paint a grim picture of vaccine safety and oversight. With an estimated 27,000 deaths potentially linked to vaccine side effects, this equates to roughly 1 death for every 1,915 vaccinated individuals, a rate that for many raises significant concerns about the risks associated with these vaccines. Shocking Toll of Experimental COVID-19 Vaccines Unveiled in South Korea’s Press Conference: Thousands Dead and Injured Due to Experimental Gene Therapy!
“Ekstremt bekymrende engelske dødstal”
England’s vaccinerede befolkning havde i nærheden af en million døde på 23 måneder; den uvaccinerede del af befolkningen havde mindre end 61.000 døde i den samme periode
Shocking data released by the U.K. government shows that over the past two years, the vaccinated population in England has suffered an outrageous number of deaths compared to the unvaccinated population, even though approximately 30 percent of the population has not even had a single dose of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.