Seneste opdatering: 29/4-10 kl. 0210
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Örebro er en by på lidt over Esbjergs størrelse. Ovenstående viser 11 overfaldsvoldtægter i byen gennem de allerseneste måneder. Flere har været meget brutale. Ofrene har været mellem 12 og 73 år gamle (!) Den lokale avis, Nerikes Allehanda, har skrevet: NA ska granska våldtäkter ur etniskt perspektiv. Der er dog ikke mere granskning end at avisen ikke giver noget signalement af gerningsmanden til den seneste voldtægt i går. Vi vil se det, før vi tror det.

Pakistaner bag britisk smæderi af paven

Sagens omdrejningspunkt her er ikke krænkelsen af paven og katolicismen som sådan, men hykleriet og accepten af krænkelse af en vestlig institution, i skærende kontrast til utænkeligheden af en tilsvarende krænkelse af Muhammed, begået af en indfødt britisk embedsmand. Havde det sidste været tilfældet, havde vi eufemistisk sagt haft en international situation kørende netop nu. Men det var altså ikke tilfældet, og embedsmanden, pakistanskfødte Anjoum Noorani, kan tværtimod sove trygt i sin seng i forvisning om ikke at blive lynchet af vildøjede katolikker på vej til sin – fortsatte – arbejdsplads (LFPC).

[…] It later emerged that the author of the memo is Oxford-educated Anjoum Noorani, 31, whose official title was Head of the Papal Visit Team. According to the Daily Mail, “Mr Noorani is understood to be British Pakistani – but colleagues say he is not a Muslim.” The paper didn’t specify if Noorani is an ex-Muslim, or (which seems very unlikely) a member of the tiny minority of persecuted Pakistani Christians, whose family was lucky enough to escape. If he is a secularized Muslim, Noorani’s case suggests that the “best-case” scenario for Muslim assimilation in Britain is this: Those who give up their aggressive, intolerant faith in Islam will adopt instead the aggressive, intolerant secularism of the British elites–who use “multiculturalism” as a stick with which to beat just one set of institutions: those traditional to the West. Author of British Government Memo Insulting Pope Not Afraid for His Life

Snaphanen: Nu “hate speech” i Tyrkiet

Fra vores helt egen verden. Snaphanen erfarede for nogen tid siden at vi var blokeret på det trådløse netværk beregnet for kunderne hos en større dansk virksomhed, som vi ikke kunne mindes at have omtalt i negative vendinger. Det kunne skyldes lejlighedsvis brug af vulgære udtryk, eller tankeløs gengivelse af nøgne motiver i kunst, men vi ved det ikke. Nu hører vi fra en læser i det udenlandske at vi er spærret hos vores kommende EU-partner Tyrkiet. Begrundelse? Tja, beskeden der poppede op på vores korrespondents PC var “hate speech”, hvilket efterlader os i undren, for vi hader normalt ikke andet end ufrihed og åndelig tvang.

Tyrkiet er som bekendt et moderne land i en rivende udvikling henimod demokrati som vores, og et land der fortjener at blive fremhævet som bevis på at islam og demokrati ikke er uforenelige størrelser. Faktisk landet jo opfylde basale krav til et demokrati, for kun ved en fri og åben debat må det have lykkedes derboende muslimer at overbevise deres kristne landsmænd om førstnævnte religions fortræffeligheder – med det resultat at førstnævnte gruppe i dag udgør hele 99% af befolkningen. Vi mangler lige at få spørgsmålet om et større antal døde armeniere gjort salonfähigt, men siden Præsident Obama har taget hul på bylden, og siden Tyrkiet nærer et brændende ønske om at indgå i et fællesskab med deres europæiske naboer, mon ikke det blot er et spørgsmål om tid? (LFPC) (WSJ: A Nation of Conspiracies. Why the West can’t ignore Turkey’s paranoia.)

“Irregulære indvandrere”

Idag röstade Europaparlamentets utskott för medborgerliga fri- och rättigheter om inrättandet av ett nätverk av sambandspersoner för invandringsfrågor. Samtliga Cecilia Wikströms (Fp) förslag att ändra skrivningar om “illegala invandrare” till “irreguljära invandrare” röstades igenom i utskottet. – “Jag är mycket glad att utskottet antog mina ändringsförslag. Ingen människa är illegal och det är viktigt att Europaparlamentet befäster det.” Ingen människa är illegal

Ergo: Folkpartisten Wikström får 110.000 kroner + fryns om måneden, for at sidde i Bryssel fire dage om ugen og “produktudvikle” vores fælles sprog. Wikström taler i sin videodagbog om “den vigtige politiske markering”. Nu er hun også præst, måske er det derfor hun omtaler sig selv i tredje person. Der er altså nu over 1 mio. “irregulære indvandrere” – her på bloggen også kaldet “gatechrashers” – i England. ( Term illegal immigrant first recorded 1939 in reference to Jews entering Palestine without authorization during the British mandate.) – Vi holder lidt øje med “det andet Bryssel,” men det er ikke noget stor  journalisthit på noget sprog. En enkelt kunne det blive til: Spate of violent crime punctures Brussels’ metropolitan civility. Den har en grim begivenhed med, Financial Times ikke nævnte:

Belgians and many in large expatriate communities were especially shocked last month when a 46-year-old physiotherapist, who was a mother of three, was shot dead on a Friday afternoon by an attacker who tried to hijack her car. The 24-year-old gunman who killed her and had just raided a suburban jeweller has claimed from his prison cell that he never intended to open fire. It is no comfort for his victim’s family.


Dagens Gallia Watch kræver at man har det gode humør med hjemmefra:

The facts demonstrate that we are witnessing an offensive against the Republic and against the French people, not only from conquering Islam, but from a part of the immigrant population or its descendants who are overtly rejecting our culture, our values and the right of the French people to live in freedom and security. We are witnessing a rebellion of an ethnic/religious nature, with assaults led by minority residents against a part of the population (the autochthons, the “souchiens”, the whites, the Europeans) and against its possessions and its ideals. We are witnessing a remake of what happened in Kosovo or in Lebanon, with the consequences that everyone knows. This is what is simply called a civil war.

A veritable crime wave in France has alarmed even the French media, exacerbated the already-great fears of the people who risk their lives on a daily basis and prompted one website – Riposte Laïque – to reexamine its own position on the meaning of humanitarian values. Cyrano, the editorialist at RL, has published a lengthy summary of some of these crimes. Since his essay was published there have been several new cases of serious crimes. The following is condensed from the RL editorial:

(Molotovcocktails mod bus, fra min.0:22.)

In Tremblay-en-France (Seine-Saint-Denis), buses were pelted with stones or set on fire as reprisals for the arrests of drug traffickers. The Interior Minister sent riot police to accompany the buses which were again not only pelted with stones but shot at. One of the police cars accompanying them was also pelted, as is customary.

In Grenoble (Isère), Martin, 23 years old, was stabbed and beaten in the center city by a gang of “young people” from the “sensitive neighborhoods”. He apparently refused to give a cigarette to one of his attackers. He suffered a perforated lung and his condition is still very serious.

Note: Martin’s uncle, instead of denouncing the laxness of the government in matters of crime, instead of denouncing the immigration policy that has generated so many crimes, denounced the “inequalities” in French society as the cause of the horrible crime against his nephew. In a recent post Louis Chagnon denounces, in turn, this blind refusal on the part of victims and victims’ families to face reality.

In Ulis (Essonne), two girls, 14 and 15, were repeatedly raped by a gang of minors. Their families went to the police. Because of pressure from the neighborhood and the fear of reprisals, one of them had to leave the neighborhood.

Note: A rally in support of the girls (who were from Mali), was held on April 17. Only about 50 people attended. Though the girls were from Mali, it isn’t clear who the assailants were. Five boys, ages 15-17, were arrested. The neighborhood did not seem sympathetic towards the girls. One woman said, “Oh, girls are loose today, that’s all. We support the brothers.” During the rally someone called out, “They consented to it.” I can only guess that they were all blacks, if not Malians. Readers at theFrançois Desouche website, while sympathetic to the plight of the girls, were angry that a rally was held for two Malians, since crimes against ethnic French people barely cause a ripple of protest.

The only comment I can add is that violent crimes will continue to plague the country unabated so long as non-assimilable non-Europeans are allowed in.

In Narbonne (Aude), Moïse Chekroun, a 59-year-old merchant had his shop pillaged and his car sabotaged. “Death to Jews, death to the police”, were two graffiti messages left behind. His 13-year-old son was attacked and injured. Chekroun is considering leaving the neighborhood. (…)

Marcel Campion, manager of the Foire du Trône, an annual Parisian fair, reports repeated raids by hundreds of “young blacks”, with many acts of violence, and beatings of whites. Violence has increased in the buses of Toulon (Var). A local newspaper “La Provence” notes a “troubling flare-up of acts of gratuitous violence” in Aix-en-Provence, a city usually considered peaceful compared to its neighbor Marseilles. Robbery was the motive in the beating of a man on the beach at Mandelieu-la-Napoule (Alpes-Maritimes). Shots were fired at a worker in Avignon (Vaucluse). Again in Avignon, a 14-year old criminal dragged a 72-year-old woman several yards to steal her handbag. In Villepinte (Seine-Saint-Denis), reporters from France 3 researching urban violence were doused with tear gas and stripped. In Saint-Quentin (Aisne), a 12-year-old multi-recidivist set fire to the hair of a 90-year-old woman to “give his friends a good laugh.” In Perpignan, three policemen were injured on the job, one having his finger pulled off by the man they were trying to arrest. In Arras (Pas-de-Calais), a middle-school pupil, 14, was raped in a public park by three minors, ages 12-14.

Note: I will add to the above list the recent attack on a 67-year old man from Narbonne, as reported byNovopress. The father of seven was walking his dog when a gang of thugs, ages 14-15, pelted him with stones. He treated his wounds but two days later had a heart attack. One of the assailants had shouted at him: “Today it’s your turn!” Even though there were witnesses, no one came forward. One resident said, “Everyone knows that behind these teens are the big brothers. No one will ever talk.” Novopress concludes:

People who are terrorized, or accomplices, cover in a blanket of silence the wild beasts capable of endless violence. This is the true face of the “diversity” that irresponsible pseudo-humanists continue to laud, forever refusing to admit the reality of its daily atrocities.

And here’s another story from the city of Perpignan:

Marc-Henri Picard and his wife Myriam were in their apartment with their baby girl. He became angry at the loud continuous racket outside made by scooters that are driven at top speed around the building every Friday and Saturday evening. He admits to being on edge because one month earlier his wife had been hit by a scooter and the baby had fallen out of the carriage. The guy who did it just smiled. This particular Saturday he told the “young people” to quiet down. Twenty minutes later the noise started up again. He took a pitcher of water and threw it at them. Insults flew as well as death threats. Then they broke into the building and climbed the stairs. Terrified, Myriam took the baby and hid in the bathroom. Like madmen they shouted death threats and rape threats against Myriam. She somehow managed to contact the police who came immediately, just before the door broke down completely. Thirty seconds more and the couple would have been killed. Says Marc-Henri: “It’s crazy, but we are the ones who have to leave, because our child was in danger.”

Back to Riposte Laïque. Cyrano goes on:

Those are a few examples of “daily news items” that you can read about on a daily basis in the regional newspapers. Few of them became national stories, and yet, thirty years ago any crime of this nature would have been on the evening news for several days and provoked general indignation. “Gratuitous violence” is becoming banal, even as it becomes more and more barbarous.

Note: There may be a connection. It may be that the more barbarous the crimes and the more terrorized the people, the stronger the “law of silence” (hear no evil, see no evil, etc…) becomes. People learn to accept anything, and fear is a great silencer.

Cyrano reproaches both the “Right” (meaning Sarkozy) and the Left. The “Right” has failed in its republican duty to protect the citizenry, the Left has not budged one inch from its ideological complicity with the thugs, pinning blame for the violence on social problems and poverty. He points out that the real poverty in France is in the rural countryside, not in Seine-Saint-Denis. He then focuses on the most important point of all:

(…) one cannot help but admit that in most of the crimes listed above the assailants were black African or North African Muslim, while the victims were French or European.

We humbly admit, and this is difficult for us here at Riposte Laïque, being people of the Left (not ideologically, but in terms of humanitarian and democratic values), that certain obvious facts have to be accepted. We too fear “cosseting the Front National”, we too defend a humanistic, feminist and social universalism in the purest republican tradition of Jean Jaurès.

But Jean Jaurès also said: “Courage means seeking the truth and saying it, it means not submitting to the passing law of triumphant lies and not echoing imbecilic applause or fanatical hisses. (…) All progress comes from thought, and workers must first be given time and strength to think.”

So we are thinking and seeking the truth. And this truth is found in the reality of the facts. And the facts demonstrate that we are witnessing an offensive against the Republic and against the French people, not only from conquering Islam, but from a part of the immigrant population or its descendants who are overtly rejecting our culture, our values and the right of the French people to live in freedom and security.

We are witnessing a rebellion of an ethnic/religious nature, with assaults led by minority residents against a part of the population (the autochthons, the “souchiens”, the whites, the Europeans) and against its possessions and its ideals. We are witnessing a remake of what happened in Kosovo or in Lebanon, with the consequences that everyone knows. This is what is simply called a civil war, according to the definitions of the U.N. and the Geneva Conventions. Whether you are on the Left or the Right, it is a fact.

Note: A reminder that “souchien” is based on the word “souche” meaning “root”, but the word “souchien” when broken up into “sous chien” means “lower than a dog”. The word has come to be used as a term of intense contempt for the French people.

Riposte Laïque has come a long way to the realization of what is really at stake in France. They began to wake up during the conflict in Gaza and the brutality it engendered on the streets of Europe. However, they have a long way to go. So long as they espouse nebulous notions such as “humanistic universalism”, so long as the fate of women is the core value of their fight against Islam, they will not be much help. They must remember that most Muslim women WANT to be Muslim and that socialism, in order to function at all, must be tailored to the French alone, not to the entire world. They must also learn to separate the Front National from Jean-Marie Le Pen, who, whatever his merits, became an enabler of the Left and of Sarkozy’s “Right”. Nonetheless, they deserve some credit for taking a leap forward.

In the first cartoon below, thugs are beating a white man:

“Finish him off. He is disgusting with his chalk face, his head of a victim!” “We don’t respect your shit laws! We respect Islam and the law of ‘might is right!'”

In the second cartoon four remarks from French politicians:

1 – “They must have a monthly salary of at least 2000 euro for them to stop drug trafficking.” (The man who said this on French television on April 8, 2010 appears to be a North African, but I cannot identify him.)

2 – “They voted for ME. I ask for FORGIVENESS in the name of the French people.” (Former presidential candidate Ségolène Royal. On many occasions she asked for forgiveness for the “crimes” committed by France – colonization, for example. She became known as “Madame Pardon”.)

3 – “To avoid riots, I sometimes ask the police to STOP CHASING AFTER CRIMINALS.”(Michèle Alliot-Marie in 2008, then Minister of the Interior)

4 – “A law against the BURKA would stigmatize the Muslims!” (Martine Aubry, chairman of the Socialist Party)

Gallia Watch: Civil War med de franske links indlagt.  Morten Uhrskov kommenterer blogposten på Jyllands Posten

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[…] sørger for ødelæggelsen af alt det, de selv sætter højest: Velfærd, retsstat, sygehusvæsen, kvinnofrid. Uden dem ville vore lande næppe være invaderede af fjendtlige stammer. Jeg “hader dem ikke […]


[…] blandt Sveriges terroriserede kvinder, som ingen åbenbart gider beskytte andet end på papiret. Kvinnofrid er 800 år siden. Den mest agressive og dominerende stamme vinder, og det er med skam at melde ikke […]


[…] Snaphanen skriver om samme sak i dag […]

14 years ago

Jeg har ikke noget til overs for paven. Andet end han kaldte muslimer voldelige. Så lad os dog SPARKE pakistanere tilbage til deres jordhuler.

Henrik Jørgensen
Henrik Jørgensen
14 years ago
14 years ago

@steen Angånede ‘Utopia’ så har Sossen og indehaveren af en Svensk studentereksamen, Margot Wallström, udgivet en rapport i sin nye funktion som FN’s ansvarlige i kampen mod “Seksuelle overgreb på kvinder i konfliktområder’. I denne nye FN rapport udpeger Margot Wallström “Kongo-Kinshasa som världens våldtäktscentrum”, da der i de første 3 måneder af 2010 har været ikke færre end 1.244 seksuelle overgreb mod kvinder. Hvis den tendens holder, så vil der i for hele 2010 være cirka 6.000 seksuelle overgreb mod kvinder i Kongo-Kinshasa, altså cirka det samme som i Sverige i 2009, (man kan vel efterhånden også betegne Sverige… Read more »

14 years ago

Kein Mensch ist illegal – på tysk. Logoet kan ses bl.a. på et besat hus’ husvæg ved havnen. – Man er temmelig langt ude hernede, når man mener det. Nuvel. — Tyrkiet og dets manglende kristne indbyggere: Der blev lavet en befolkningsudveksling mellem Tyrkiet og Grækenland, der var bare mange flere som gik i Grækenlands retning efter den tabte græske fortsættelseskrig efter første verdenskrig. Grækerne er så blevet forfulgt og undertrykt efterfølgende ved enhver lejlighed af tyrkerne, hvis nu grækerne havde fået Cypern som tilbudt en eneste gang af briterne under 1. verdenskrig, så havde vi ikke haft problemerne dér….… Read more »

14 years ago

Hämtat från en kommentar på Politiskt Inkorrekt:
Ingen människa är illegal = Alla människor är reguljära
Våldtäkt = Irreguljär sexuell hantering av kvinna
Terrorist = Irreguljärt engagerad person

För ett tag sedan skrev i på Snaphanen negativt om ungerska Jobbik. Jag tror att framtiden, om den alls finns för oss i Europas ursprungsbefolkningar, kommer att frambringa extremare organisationer än så… Bakom rädslan och tystnaden växer längtan att få ge igen!

14 years ago

NA har vel fået et tip fra politiet om, at der står en ikke-indvandrer bag. En gammel-svensk serieforbryder. Ellers vil deres undersøgelse ikke blive politisk korrekt og det ville jo være usvensk. Jeg antager, at de vil begrænse deres “undersøgelse” tidsmæssigt, så kun denne/disse gammel-svenskere kommer med. Det er ren spekulation fra min side, men min mistanke stammer fra indledningen i den kronik, I linker til. Den siger det nærsten ligeud, man kan nærmest høre triumfen: Det har varit en mycket intressant vecka. Den började med en fundering om det är dags att börja banta och slutade i en debatt… Read more »

14 years ago

Jeg synes, man bør kalde Cecilie Wikstöm for Sulejma Sivhat, da det er mindre stødende. Intet menneske er en Wikström.

I øvrigt er det nærliggende at associere irregulær indvandrer med irregulær kombatant, altså terrorist. Det var nok ikke lige det, der var meningen. For mig lyder irregulær værre end illegal, men det er jo egentligt ligegyldigt, hvad man kalder det. Hovedsagen er, at man regulerer indvandringen.

14 years ago

“Skandaler ryster Labour-valgkamp” læser jeg i en overskrift på JP.dk, og tænker øjeblik på, at Labours store forræderi mod den Britiske befolkning, (herinde kendt som “Labour-gate”) omsider er blevet emne i valgkampen. Men nej, det handler bare om såkaldte sex-anklager, rasmisme–beskyldninger og tilsværtning af politiske modstandere:


Hvordan kan Labours dokumenterede forræderi mod den Britiske befolkning gå fuldstændig sporløst hen over den birtiske valgkamp?? I et normalt fungernede demokrati ville oppositionen have hamret på regeringen dag og nat.

Matti från Finland
Matti från Finland
14 years ago

Angående utopia:

***Der er dog ikke mere granskning end at avisen ikke giver noget signalement af gerningsmanden til den seneste voldtægt i går. Vi vil se det, før vi tror det****

den här länken http://na.se/nyheter/2.2503/1.813637-polisen-vi-måste-losa-valdtakterna inte ens funkar längre. Någon som har sparat texten ?

Vad stod det i texten ?

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