Seneste opdatering: 16/12-12 kl. 1207
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Som bekendt går Miljøpartiet ind for helt fri indvandring til Sverige, nu gør også Centern, “Sveriges Venstre”. De andre gør det selvfølgelig også i praksis, men ikke i deres partiprogrammer. Man ser, hvad Sverigedemokraterne er oppe imod. Om de så får 25 % ved valget i 2014, vil de store partier slå sig sammen, – som de har gjort i flere kommuner – for at gøre dem irrelevante, så de kan forstætte med at afskaffe landet. Centern mener at Sverige skal være et “nybyggerland” med op til 40 mio mennesker, de behøver ikke være svenskere, de skal bare tilhøre arten Homo Sapiens, for ‘der er ikke forskel på mennesker.’ Som demokrat er det lidt hårdt at skulle kalde demokrati for idiot- og amatørvælde, som jeg nu vil gøre, men selvfølgelig, forstætter politikerne som de er begyndt, vil demokratiet slet ikke eksistere i Sverige ved næste århundredeskifte. En slags trøst.

På tisdag presenteras förslaget till nytt idéprogram för Centerpartiet. En av de största förändringarna är att man nu vill öppna Sveriges gränser. Alla begränsande regler kring invandring slopas. Förslaget ska ses som en fortsättning på det migrationspolitiska program som partiet presenterade förra året. Då gjordes beräkningar som visade på en framtid med 40 miljoner invånare i Sverige.

– Vi har varit på väg åt det här hållet länge. Det är en naturlig konsekvens för den som tror på människors lika rätt och värde, säger Per Ankersjö, till vardags borgarråd i Stockholm. Flera kommuner vill kunna säga nej till flyktingar. Hur ser du på det? – “Det är korkat ur ett nationalekonomiskt perspektiv. Det bygger på ett resonemang att de som kommer hit är en kostnad. Om man tillåter dem att jobba blir de i stället en tillgång. C vill ha helt fri invandring

Peter Hitchens om Census: Et uigenkendeligt England

Census er en stor statistiksamling, der er udkommet hver tiende år siden 1801. Hitchens ser tilbage, og ser et England der ikke afgørende er forandret fra hans bedsteforældres generation, og han ser ser frem, og ser et England, der vil være fuldstændigt forandret og som de gamle ikke ville kunne genkende. Han bryder sig ikke om synet og bemærk: Han taler om et land, der er noget mindre demografisk forandret end Sverige. Denne artikel kunne næppe trykkes i Sverige. Jeg springer et stykke ned i den:

Alien nation: The new census reveals a Britain that would be unrecognisable even to our grandparents. A short-distance time-traveller between 1912 and 2012 might be perplexed and astonished, but he would not be lost. That period is now coming to an end. I suspect that anyone in Britain, travelling between 2012 and 2112 would be unable to believe that he was in the same place. The future will be another country. They will do things differently there.

The secret thinkers at the core of the Blair Government wanted to begin the world over again, at home and abroad, though they never dared to tell us how.

[..] I have deliberately left migration to the end. The figures are astonishing, with one in ten people in England and Wales now born abroad, and the rate of increase over the past few years equally astounding – almost half of these new citizens have arrived here since 2001. And, in a figure that has not attracted the attention it should have, almost three million people live in households where no adults speak English as their first language.

The main significance of this is the speed of it. Even now, official immigration still stands at 180,000 a year. Probably these totals are an underestimate, as illegal migrants tend not to fill in forms.

But the really important fact is that this revolution is the result of a deliberate, planned attempt to change this country for ever, and we have the evidence of this.

On October 23, 2009, a former New Labour official called Andrew Neather wrote an article in the London Evening Standard which was that very rare thing – a genuine revelation of a political secret.

The crucial passage described ‘a major shift from the policy of previous governments’. It disclosed that

a ‘big immigration report was surrounded by an unusual air of both anticipation and secrecy . . . there was a paranoia about it reaching the media . . . Earlier drafts I saw also included a driving political purpose: that mass immigration was the way that the Government was going to make the UK truly multicultural.

‘I remember coming away from some discussions with the clear sense that the policy was intended – even if this wasn’t its main purpose – to rub the Right’s nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date. That seemed to me to be a manoeuvre too far.

‘Ministers were very nervous about the whole thing . . . There was a reluctance elsewhere in Government to discuss what increased immigration would mean, above all for Labour’s core white working-class vote . . .

‘Part by accident, part by design, the Government had created its longed-for immigration boom. But Ministers wouldn’t talk about it.’ Why not? Because Labour voters wouldn’t have liked it.

‘While Ministers might have been passionately in favour of a more diverse society, it wasn’t necessarily a debate they wanted to have in working-men’s clubs in Sheffield or Sunderland.’

On Friday the Labour leader, Ed Miliband, was still trying to appeal to working-class voters whose views his metropolitan fat-cat party secretly despises.

While praising immigration to his London audience, he pretended to be concerned about it by admitting there is ‘anxiety’ about the pace of change. He promised (absurdly, since the EU has controlled our frontiers for many years) that ‘Britain must always control its borders’.

But he then swiftly dismissed the idea – which would be the only hope of future harmony – that migrants should assimilate, saying this was ‘wrong for our country’.

He proclaimed: ‘One Nation doesn’t mean one identity. People can be proudly, patriotically British without abandoning their cultural roots.’

Is this true? In the days when the USA still sought to assimilate its migrants, it certainly didn’t think so. It insisted that they became Americans in every way, and as soon as they could.

Half the point of American state schools was the creation of new young Americans. Since that policy was abandoned 30 years ago, the USA has in reality ceased to be one country, with large areas speaking Spanish and retaining the customs and cultures of their homes, hostile or chilly to their American fellow citizens, who return the favour.

Any observant person in Britain can see the same process in such cities as Bradford, where multiculturalism has created two solitudes with their backs turned on each other. Bit by bit, the people of this country are ceasing to have key things in common.

They don’t share a religion, or a culture, or a history. Many don’t even share a language.

They don’t eat the same food or watch the same TV stations or have a common sense of humour.

They sometimes even disagree about whether to drive on the left.

They come from completely different legal and political traditions.

In a strange paradox, many of the new Britons are more socially and morally conservative than their indigenous British neighbours, though their presence here is a sort of revolution in flesh and blood.

The Census is not just a description of the state of things on a day in 2011, it is a prophetic document telling us where we are going, whether we like it or not. I don’t.

Many of the new migrants also have a completely different work ethic, not having grown up in our entitlement-based welfare state – which is why one of their main unspoken functions in Labour’s plan has been to keep wages down by providing a huge pool of cheap and willing unskilled labour.

Without mass immigration, the minimum wage would long ago have had to rise sharply, creating the crisis that all economists predicted when it was introduced.

As it is, we are fast becoming a low-wage, unskilled economy, with overcrowded cities, multi-occupied housing and hopelessly strained medical services, transport and schools.

There is also a widening gap between the rich, who can afford servants again for the first time since the era of Downton Abbey, and the poor, who have to be those servants.

The only way we will be able to sustain this is by becoming steadily cheaper, devaluing our currency through inflation and incidentally destroying the savings and pensions of the thrifty. That will also kill off the welfare state, whose provisions and payouts will gradually shrink to the point where they are valueless.

We are also becoming a more violent, noisy and unrestrained culture, more drunk, more drugged, more indebted, more rootless and less particular.

Our language is increasingly internationalised and full of Americanisms (Mr Miliband thinks railway stations are called ‘train stations’), our landmarks, particularly the customary weights and measures with which millions grew up, are being extirpated in schools and on the media.

There is no sign that any of these developments are stopping, or even slowing. Far from it. They are accelerating. They were meant to.

The secret thinkers at the core of the Blair Government wanted to begin the world over again, at home and abroad, though they never dared to tell us how. As their mighty, unstoppable project unfolds, Britain as we knew it will disappear, as they hoped it would. At least we know who to blame.

Alien nation: The new census reveals a Britain that would be unrecognisable even to our grandparents

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[…] Det er valgår i Danmark, og den nye regering der med sikkerhed kommer, vil næppe byde danskerne 20.000 såkaldte flygtninge ét år til, ligesom S og R gjorde. Befolkningen vil ikke finde sig i det.  Glem det, Lööf. Du siger jo selv i dag: “Vi centerpartister er praktisk anlagte, et problem er jo bare et problem indtil det er løst.” 95.000 asylsøgere i år klarer du sagtens uden at blande os ind i det. I er et nybyggerland! […]

Morani ya Simba
Morani ya Simba
12 years ago

Jeg finder Andrew Neather’s artikel ualmindeligt interessant og skraemmende. Den taler jo om en sammensvaergelse om at goere samfundet mere frakteret og, bevidst, imod vaelgernes oensker. Hvor jeg mest har tilskrevet den foerste indvandringspolitik i Europa politikeres dumhed og naivitet, saa er der lidt smoking gun over den artikel. Det er jo malign arrogance og en form for had til egen nation. Tilmed er det svigt af egne vaelgere.

12 years ago

Men vil den slags vanvittige udmeldinger og partiprogrammer virkelige give flere stemmer og løfte Centern væk fra den truende / hotande spærregrænse? – i et Sverige, hvor langt de fleste svenskere vel efterhånden har fået rigeligt med indvandring – især af visse typer – , men dog stadig er for angste til at sige det lige ud offentligt? Har de da totalt mistet enhver fprm for jordforbindelse og fornemmelse for, hvad der rører sig lige under overfladen i det svenske folkedyb? Nå, man kan da sandelig kun håbe, at Centerns rablende vanvidplaner i stedet vil bringe sprærregrænsen hastigt nærmere og… Read more »

12 years ago



12 years ago

En svensk befolkning på 40 millioner?

Dvs en nettoindvandring på 25-30 millioner mennesker.

Så melder spørgsmålet hvor skal alle disse mennesker komme frem?

Det eneste svar må være ikke-vestlige lande i Afrika, Mellemøsten og Sydasien.

Dvs lande hvor gennemsnitsintelligensen ligger langt under den gennemsnitlige etnisk svenske intelligens.

Konsekvens: Eftersom at der tydeligt er påvist en sammenhæng mellem IQ-gennemsnit og arbejdsmarkedsegnethed plus produktivitet så bliver Sverige et fattigt 3 verdens land. Det er både logisk og uundgåeligt.

Spørgsmålet er så om det er de økonomiske konsekvenser som bliver de værste?

12 years ago
Reply to  Jernhesten

Ja, og gæt selv, hvem der mon bliver nærmeste naboer til denne nye filial af Beriut og Balkan 😉

Og hvor mon disse invasive “kulturberigere” rejser hen, når de svenske kasser er tømt uigenkaldeligt?
Jo, det skal nok blive “roligt” …. ( men desværre på den svenske måde altså 😀 ).

12 years ago

“Vem bestämmer över Sveriges Centerparti?”

Inte är det gamla liberalen Thorbjörn Fälldin tyvärr, han hade nog blåst ut pipsåsen i ögat på dagens stolpskott till ledare för Centern.

12 years ago

En röst på Reinfeldt är en röst på Löfven där är en röst på Annie Lööf där är en röst på Jan Björklund där är en röst Göran Hägglund där är en röst på Åsa Romson och Gustaf Fridolin där är en röst på Jonas Sjöstedt…..

En röst på Jimmie Åkesson är en röst på Sverige!

Det är jo så att säga “pudelns kärna”.

12 years ago

Svensk politik?

Tja jag skrev denna som kommentar på någon större Svensk blogg:

En röst på Reinfeldt är en röst på Löfven där är en röst på Annie Lööf där är en röst på Jan Björklund där är en röst Göran Hägglund där är en röst på Åsa Romson och Gustaf Fridolin där är en röst på Jonas Sjöstedt…..

En röst på Jimmie Åkesson är en röst på Sverige!

Det är jo pudelns kärna så att säga.

12 years ago

Som demokrat er det lidt hårdt at skulle kalde demokrati for idiot- og amatørvælde.

Når man tager den etymologiske rod af ordet ‘idiot’ – ‘privatperson’ – i betragtning, er det jo faktisk en helt præcis definition.

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