Iransk stats-tv er som bekendt også islamisten Yvonne Ridleys arbejdsgiver. Erasmus Universitetet kan stadig bruge ham:
Rotterdam city council has sacked its controversial advisor on integration Tariq Ramadan, the NRC reports on Tuesday, quoting council sources. The paper says officials believe Ramadan can no longer ‘lead the dialogue in the city’ because he himself has become part of the debate. Last week it emerged that Ramadan presents a weekly programme on Iran’s Press TV which is paid for by the Iranian authorities. Ramadan, 46, has been attached to the city council for two years and is a visiting professor at Erasmus University, a post paid for by Rotterdam, the paper says.
In an open letter in the NRC on Tuesday, Ramadan says: ‘The present controversy says far more about the alarming state of politics in the Netherlands than about my person.’ The city says that Ramadan lost his credibility as an integration adviser. Erasmus University Rotterdam is firing Ramadan as well. Ramadan, who’s currently on vacation in Morocco, says he intends to sue, as this move injures his honor and dignity. Rotterdam sacks integration advisor, Rotterdam fires Tariq Ramadan over Iranian TV show.
Dhimmi-status i eget land
Non-Muslim teachers at As Siddieqschool and other schools are treated kindly, but not as full-value colleagues. Hennie Metsemakers had gone to work at the school full of integration ideals. “The leadership was attentive and nice, but turned out to have a hidden agenda. In the breaks, we had to eat separately. We were not allowed to be greeted in the same way as Muslim teachers, not with the word salaam, peace, because non-Muslims cannot know what peace is.” According to Metsemakers, the school wants to teach children that they are not allowed to be friends with non-believers. “Only Muslims can after all be good people.” ‘Apartheid at Islamic Schools’
Muslimsk familie flytter fra tørklædetyranni
Historier som denne kan bringes herfra og til dommedag, men debatten i medierne vil stadig være i permanent selvsving på spørgsmålene om “frivillighed” og “beklædningsgenstande”. Husk i øvrigt at denne positive, assertive handling kun er mulig så længe moderate individer som Rosa Hassan kan finde ly i områder med mindre islamisk islæt. Hendes krav om selv at bestemme hvordan hun praktiserer sin religion forudsætter at magtforholdene er hende gunstigt stemt, da hun ikke på islamisk lovgrundlag kan argumentere for at hun har ret (LFPC).
For Rosa Hassan er Tagensbo Skole ikke en mulighed som skole til datteren Samaa. Der-for må familien nu flytte til Virum for at sikre datteren en skole, de har tillid til. […]
“Jeg ønsker, at min datter skal have en uddannelse og have de samme muligheder, som jeg har haft, og det kræver, at det faglige niveau på skolen er i orden, samtidig med, at hun lærer de danske værdier at kende,” siger Rosa Hassan […]
“Min datter skal ikke være en af “indvandrerne fra bussen”, der altid kommer for sent. Jeg har hørt historier om, at det fungerer dårligt – og igen tror jeg, at det bliver nedprioriteret, fordi det er de dårligst stillede, det handler om,” siger Rosa Hassan . […]
“Mit barn skal ikke drilles, fordi hendes kyllingepate ikke er halal eller hånes, fordi jeg ikke går med tørklæde, som jeg ved, at det sker, når der er mange børn med meget traditionelle muslimske forældre. Vi er også muslimer, men vil have lov til selv at bestemme, hvordan vi praktiserer det. […]Min datter skal ikke drilles, fordi jeg ikke bærer tørklæde
Frafalden og på flugt fra kvindeindpakningen
Born in the USA. For en ordens skyld skal nævnes at de følgende oplysninger hidrører fra en kilde tæt på Rifqa Bary som Pamela Geller er i kontakt med, og ikke er officielt bekræftede, hvis ellers mainstreammedierne nødvendigvis er en garanti for dette. Myndighederne i USA ønsker hende ‘hjem’ til familien (LFPC).
[…] Rifqa Bary is an honor student, a cheerleader – a good girl. Like Amina and Sarah Said, she lived two lives: she was a happy productive successful student in school and a tortured, oppressed and Muhammad bary brutalized victim at home. Many in her school were shocked to hear that Rifqa, the quintessential good girl, had run away from home; those close to her were not surprised at all.
On several occasions friends of Rifqa would bring her down to the school counselor because of bruises on her legs and her arms, beatings suffered at the hands of her father and brother (sounds like Islam Said). The middle school, in a serious dereliction of duty, did not report these beatings to child welfare services. Beatings were random, violent, unprovoked. Take, for example, when Rifqa and her father Mohammad were driving in the car. He would force her to wear the hijab, which she hated. In her discomfort she would slouch down, embarrassed, and her father would haul off and sock her in the face so that she never forgot to sit up straight in her costume. The beatings were regular and so much a part of the landscape of Rifqa’s life, she became inured to them, just like Amina and Sarah and Aqsa and every “honor” victim.
Rifqa: “He took that laptop and waved it in the air and he was about to beat me with it, and he said, “If you have this Jesus in your heart, you’re dead to me. You’re not my daughter.” And I refused to speak but he said, “I will kill you. Tell me the truth.” In these words, bad words, cuss words. So I knew that I had to get away”
It was only when her father was warned by the members of the Muslim community at Noor Islamic Cultural Center that his daughter was an apostate, that Rifqa bolted. She had to run: he vowed to kill her in the time honored Islamic tradition of honor killings. […] Rifqa Bary Before her Escape: Beatings, Brutality, Subjugation
European Arrest Warrant mødt med apati
En søgning på Infomedia på European Arrest Warrant (EAW) og Schengen II giver sølle 14 unikke hits for samtlige danske medier i samtlige år. En stor del er på engelsk, f. eks. på JPs Copenhagen Post. Tanken om at man som dansker snart kan blive krævet udleveret til retsforfølgelse i hel- eller halvvejs bananrepublikker som Grækenland eller Bulgarien burde ellers virke bekymrende, skulle man mene, men som det vist efterhånden er veldokumenteret, er trusler mod det trygge samfund vi har taget for givet ikke noget der optager befolkning eller medier i nævneværdig grad. I Storbritannien er EAW ved at blive virkelighed for flere briter, så opmærksomheden ser ud til at være større end herhjemme (LFPC).
Hundreds of Britons are expected to be extradited across Europe for trivial offences after Britain signed up to a new arrest warrant scheme. The Home Office believes the number sent to face justice overseas is likely to treble when the draconian new agreement comes into force next April.
It means Britons in receipt of a European arrest warrant (EAW) could be sent for trial anywhere else in the EU for minor crimes such as drunkenness and driving offences. […]
Under the controversial new rules, a key part of the so-called Schengen Information II system, the police will be forced to respond to all EAWs.
Anyone who has an EAW issued against him or her will be automatically taken into custody. British courts must then allow an extradition, even if there are concerns about the standards of justice in the country they are being sent to. For example, trials in Poland, Greece and Bulgaria are often held without an English translation.
Last month the Daily Mail highlighted how 20-year- old Briton Andrew Symeou was extradited to Greece under an EAW to face charges of killing a British teenager in a fight in a bar. He claims his friends were beaten by police into implicating him. […] Extradition threat to hundreds as Britain signs up to EU law