Seneste opdatering: 29/10-16 kl. 1802
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En svensk kvinde fra ghettoen Husby på Järvafältet nord for Stockholm, – området med flest mord i hele Sverige – beskriver resigneret mindretallets liv i et limbo under fremmed okkupation. “Vi lever alle i ‘utanförskap,” siger hun. “Alle er hjemløse.” Sverige er ikke masseindvandret, det er koloniseret af i vidt omfang fjendtligsindede stammer opmuntret af Riksdagen.

Resultatet har været 6.500 voldtægter om året (mørketal: 65.000 svenske kvinder om året), 84 600 ‘misshandelsbrott’ og hundredevis af mord på svenskere begået af indvandrere. Disse begår stort set ingen voldsforbrydelser mod indvandrere, selvom pressen ihærdigt prøver at få det til at se modsat ud. Det er evident, at vi er vidne til en politisk forbrydelse, der falder ind under talrige definitioner på folkemord.

Vil det gå ustraffet hen? Muligvis, men sandheden skal ikke være usagt, og politikerne bør ikke leve uforstyrret i den illusion, at de ikke kan blive draget til ansvar. Jeg tror, svenske politikere lever i en orkan af trusler nu, og jeg tror, at medierne hemmeligholder det for ikke at gøre det værre.

Hvad er det næste, der sker i Sverige? Et militær- og politikup mod landssvigerne i Riksdagen er ikke længere udenfor tankens rækkevidde, men mange ting kan tænkes i de interessante tider, vi lever i. Personligt kunne jeg godt tænke mig at se de hovedskyldige i en retssal, for hvad er, når det kommer til stykket, masseindvandringens demokratiske legitimitet? Var der nogen, der spurgte dig om, hvad du mente? Hvem ejer multikulturen?

Preparing for civil war

Forfatteren Guillaume Faye skriver på Riposte Laïque skriver om de seneste organiserede angreb på fransk politi af overvejende muslimske indvandrere, og om politidemonstrationerne den 17. og 18. Gallia Watch har oversat og kommenteret:.

“On average 544 officers are wounded every month”

This abandonment of the State by its police, who disobeyed orders, even those from the unions, is a harbinger of the chaos of civil war. The declarations from the minister of the Interior – the pitiful and incompetent Cazeneuve – minimizing the attacks, was the last straw.

The reality of an ethnic civil war to come is confirmed by the high increase in the number of police wounded while on the job. No official statistics give the origin of the perpetrators, yet everyone knows the truth perfectly well. On average 544 officers are wounded every month.

In the first trimester of 2016, 3267 police and gendarmes were wounded on the job (an increase of 14% over 2015). In 2015, 6,854 gendarmes were victims of physical or verbal attacks. And 5,736 police officers were wounded on the job. Not to mention the firemen… For ten years, there’s been a steady increase.

We are witnessing two parallel movements: an increase in the immigrant population that accounts for almost 100% of the violent criminals; and a decrease in the severity of punishments. Madame Taubira, former minister of Justice, the worm in the fruit, the obedient subversive militant, served a purpose. The explosive situation in the prisons, where the majority of inmates are Muslim criminals, is an exacerbating factor. The penalties for all this crime are ridiculously light, because the judiciary is afflicted with the same Islamo-leftism of collaborators such as Madame Taubira. And because there is, not by accident, a critical lack of space in the prisons.

In Europe, it is only in France that this sort of thing reaches such an intensity. But the neighboring countries will become familiar with the same situation very soon, if nothing changes, if the migratory waves, primarily Muslim, continue – that is the real key to the problem.

The criminals who committed the attacks – organized gangs of hooded thugs – were attempting to protect and mark their territory in the growing number of zones where the laws of the famous “French Republic” and the ethnic French population have all disappeared. They also wanted to bar the police from venturing into neighborhoods where drug trafficking flourishes (notably Moroccan cannabis).

France is eaten away from within, with the complicity of a State that does all it can to impose “migrants” – illegal State-subsidized aliens – in the last rural refuges of the French people. The proof is known to all, but is hidden by State ideological rhetoric.

And yet, in his astonishing book of narcissistic confidences to two journalists from Le Monde, François Hollande confirms with cynicism the obvious fact that is denied elsewhere by politicians of both right and left: “the partition” of France, into two hostile populations, “is in progress”. But Hollande couldn’t care less.


There are three hypotheses. The first, the worst one, is submission. It takes two to wage war. If, faced with invaders and aggressors, the French and Europeans don’t defend themselves there won’t be a war. It will be a “tepid death” to use the expression of Konrad Lorenz. A rotting, a collapse, with no real combat. It’s a possibility.

The second hypothesis is the eruption of an ethnic civil war with the defeat of the French, and other Europeans, since they have against them their own collaborating State. A possibility that Jean Raspail had evoked.

The third hypothesis, is a victorious civil war, with incalculable historic consequences, including the collapse of all our political paradigms. Whatever happens, it will be impossible, in the coming years, to escape major disorders. Western Europe will soon be the theater of an ethnic earthquake. Inevitable.

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8 years ago

Interessant med de tre hypoteser som blir lansert her; det ender jo like galt i sum hvilken vei som enn blir valgt, alt muliggjort av 68-generasjonens kulturmarxister som i dag er den rådende samfunnselite. De har virkelig lykkes med sin stille nesten usynlige revolusjon og ta over samfunnsmakten uten den brutale hoderulling vi først var lovet?

8 years ago

På tide å børste støvet av den franske Menneskerettighetserklæringen fra 1793? “When a government violates the rights of the people, insurrection is, for the people and for every part of the people the most sacred right and the most indispensable of duties.”

Morten - - -
Morten - - -
8 years ago

Kors, hun er klog …

– – –

8 years ago

Flesta människor i Sverige har förmögenheten i sina boenden. Och det höga skattetrycket gör att dom flesta har mera i skuld när dom dör än när dom var unga och köpte boendet. Om man inte har fått ärva men det har svenska staten effektivt kört propaganda mot. Belåna ditt boende som pensionär helt horribelt. Utan det jag skulle komma till är att dom räknar med att svensken blir en tyst idiot efter den planerade bostadsbubblan. När svensken flyttar tillbaka till miljonprogrammen skuldsatta och som slavar. Effektivare än o gasa ihjäl judarna under andra världskriget. Först har man utnyttjat dom till… Read more »

8 years ago

»Sverige har blivit ett enda stort migrationsverk«
Jeg vil heller si et enda stort sinnssykehus ! Norge og Danmarks befolkning må passe seg så de ikke gir makten til sinnssyke mennesker som det svensker har gjort, nå råder galskapen der.
Kommun betalar lön till kriminella för att de ska sluta begå brott


Chingachgook Jensen
Chingachgook Jensen
8 years ago
Reply to  invernes

Danskerne betaler skam også beskyttelsespenge, for ikke at blive spyttet for meget i ansigtet af herrefolket:


Oliver Langeland
Oliver Langeland
8 years ago

Order Out Of Chaos: The Doctrine That Runs The World http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-08-15/order-out-chaos-doctrine-runs-world

Tor Arne
Tor Arne
8 years ago

Kaos og oppløsning av nasjonalstatenes egenart:

“När undertecknad besökte Europaparlamentet i mars 2016 kunde man vid ingången bevittna ett konstverk (se bild) där samtliga medlemsländers flaggor var övertäckta med ett virrvarr av pappersstrimlor i olika färger, som gjorde medlemsflaggorna svåra att känna igen utan en noggrann betraktelse. Symboliken är passande, med tanke på att den globalism som präglar EU strävar efter att beblanda och utradera nationella egenarter, och främst ser på den internationella vägen som ett ondskefullt hot.” http://nyadagbladet.se/kronikor/globalismen-och-nationalismen-den-falska-dikotomin/

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